艸祭Book inn住宿優惠專案

  • ♦慢活專案 --- 連續住宿第七(含)晚起,之後每晚可享6折優惠。(此項專案訂房請電洽,不限平、假日,春節期間不適用)
    漫泊台南專案 --- 連續住宿六晚,一晚免費。(不限平、假日,春節期間不適用)
    --- 每一人捐贈一本書籍,每一人即享95折優惠。(不限平、假日,春節期間不適用)
    ♦我們都是好鄰居專案 --- 凡設籍於台南市,憑身分證入住享9折優惠。(不分平、假日,春節期間不適用)
    草祭開卷回艸祭專案 --- 持原草祭二手書店開卷卡住宿,享9折優惠。(一人一卡,不限平、假日,春節假期不適用)


    Special Offers of Accomodation

    ♦Long Stay Program--There will be a 40% off discount after you stay 7th night or more consecutively.
      # Please contact us for booking .
    Weekend included, except Chinese New Year Holidays .


    One week Program--If you stay 6 nights consecutively, you can get one night free .
      # Weekend included, except Chinese New Year Holidays.

    Book Exchange for Lodging--There will be a 5% off for one donation of book title.  
      # Weekend included, except Chinese New Year Holidays.
    Remark: We reserve the right of accepting book titles.

    We Are Good Neighbors Program--Citizen sistered in Tainan with I.D. are eligible for 10% off discount.
      # Weekend included, except Chinese New Year Holidays.
    Member come back Program--Show the 草祭 secend hand book member card get 10% off discount.
      # Weekend included, except Chinese New Year Holidays.
      Remark: one person  take one card.


